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Последние комментарии на сайте

Lukas350 18.03.2021 в 9:10:20 прокомментировал : Predator Invisible
Do you accept payment for a re-work? I really need it to be flawless since I have a great concept with this skin. I also have this bug with the skin; https://imgur.com/a/T5hX9Oj

For some reason the skin is black, not sure why.

NitrO 17.03.2021 в 16:21:41 прокомментировал : Predator Invisible
possible graphical bugs the model was created a long time ago

Lukas350 17.03.2021 в 14:33:41 прокомментировал : Predator Invisible
The knife is invisible and I'm pretty sure that I installed everything correctly. You can see a screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/qJSQfWI

I used this plugin since it's easier to customize and add models.

Lukas350 17.03.2021 в 13:57:13 прокомментировал : Predator Invisible
Thank you so much. I'll test it right away.
I also noticed that at first connect after downloading the files the skin is black, is this normal or am I missing something? I'll upload a picture if it occurs again.

NitrO 17.03.2021 в 11:32:45 прокомментировал : Predator Invisible
Also there is an invisible knifeviewmodel you can use , you need a plugin like this:

Lukas350 17.03.2021 в 9:39:56 прокомментировал : Predator Invisible
I love the skin but can't figure out how to make the weapon model work?

10/10 on the model though!!

Thanks in advance

yavisxyx 17.03.2021 в 9:04:05 прокомментировал : AWM Infernal Dragon Imperial Gold

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