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Последние комментарии на сайте

K_and_R 12.07.2023 в 15:29:12 прокомментировал : dm_lockdown [HL1.5DM]
Trainee, I would be happy to cooperate, but there is no PM on this site, or at least I couldn't find one.
That's why I'm leaving you my link to the steam profile and I'll be waiting for a message.

Trainee 12.07.2023 в 3:41:20 прокомментировал : dm_lockdown [HL1.5DM]
If you need a playtester PM me :-)

Do you have other maps published?

I just started working on a sven-coop campaign

rwe 07.07.2023 в 13:49:22 прокомментировал : Zoey Final Nude (L4D)
почему у меня не работает?

K_and_R 06.07.2023 в 20:54:58 прокомментировал : dm_lockdown [HL1.5DM]
Trainee, Thank you for evaluating my work, I'm glad you liked my map.
Yes, it may be a little dark and the sounds on it are louder, I tested it only on my game settings, with lighter lighting and quiet sounds.
About the lamps: I didn't want to include a lot of textures in the map, I tried to optimize the map in any place where I could do it. I used simpler brush geometry and the textures that were already in my wad. In fact, I don't really like these lamps myself. In the next works I will take this into account and will no longer make these mistakes. Thank you and have a good day!

Trainee 06.07.2023 в 16:55:09 прокомментировал : dm_lockdown [HL1.5DM]

I like the map. It is supposed to be dark, i get it, but i would increase lights a little

ambient sound were a bit loud too, would reduce them as well.

And some of your lamps look strange, would use other textures for them.

But good job overall!

ArtaKey 06.07.2023 в 8:27:25 прокомментировал : speedrun_xlob
Когда открываете архив следуйте за папкам.
Ваша сборка/cstrike/maps/speedrun_xlob.res
Ваша сборка/cstrike/maps/speedrun_xlob.bsp
Ваша сборка/cstrike/aaatrigger.wad
Ваша сборка/cstrike/allspeedrun.wad
Ваша сборка/cstrike/bhop_brainiac.wad
Ваша сборка/cstrike/bhop_brainiac_banners.wad

Brushtex 30.06.2023 в 20:31:39 прокомментировал : Distop
На данный момент мод в паузе, т.к. набирается команда и решаются внутриусобные дела

Кто прочитал тот лох 28.06.2023 в 17:06:54 прокомментировал : Alan's Marie Rose (DOA5)
не работает

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