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First Person Shooter, Multiplayer

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Zombie Master

First Person Shooter, Multiplayer

Просмотров : 1213 ( +1 )
Скачиваний : 30
Прислал / (а) : NitrO
Дата создания : 21.04.2018 16:23:17
Рейтинг :
 ( 0 ) 
Поделиться :
Версия : 1.2.1
Разработчик / (и) : Zombie Master Development Team
Дата выхода : 1.01.2007
Сайт разработчика : http://Zombiemaster.org

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Zombie Master In Short

Zombie Master is a multiplayer Half-Life 2 modification, centred around a zombie-apocalypse, which throws all but one player in the shoes of human survivors. Pitched against a relentless tide of rotting flesh, they must scavenge for weaponry and equipment just to stay alive. But that one player, chosen randomly at the beginning of the round, is not bound by mortal restraints.

To speak his name is to invite the wrath of hell - but most call him the 'Zombie Master'. He is nigh omnipotent. His invisible hand controls the legions of undead like puppets on strings; slowly closing the net on the humans while they run to and fro like rats in a maze.

Human team:

* A wide range of weapons to scavenge such as shotguns, molotov cocktails, rifles and more
* A number of challenging objectives that encourage players to team up and work together
* The ability to interact with the environment to build barricades and carry objects

Zombie Master:

* Real Time Strategy gameplay; create and command your own undead horde
* A wide variation of zombie units encourages the ZM to adopt complex tactics
* Environmental "manipulates" allow the ZM to interact with the world in devilish ways
* Mysterious powers let the ZM manifest his power in a more direct fashion... for a price


Half-Life 2


Похожие1. Umbrella Corporation - Проект был закрыт. Автор мода выложил исходник для публичного пользования.
2. Estranged - Вы терпите кораблекрушение, ну а дальше... зомби!!!
3. Forsaken - Многопользовательский мод, рассказывающий нам о том, что кто-то стырил вирус из лаборатории и убежал, дабы уничтожить все человечество.
4. They Hunger 4: Lost Souls - Игра заброшена.
5. Half-Life: Source Fixed Source Code - Исходники патча-модификации, созданного для исправления ошибок Half-Life Source
1. ( 18.6 Mb )
Zombie Master Zombie Master Zombie Master Zombie Master Zombie Master Zombie Master Zombie Master
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