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01.10.2020, 13:10:20LoG!c пишет :
Группа : Пользователи
Регистрация : 01.10.2020

Hello everyone, sorry to bother you all and intrude like this but I noticed that this is also one of many big communities that I didn't even know existed when it comes to modding etc. I would need help if that is possible. I am looking for a map called cs_sarajevo for counter-strike 1.6. It was made around 11 years ago for the first time in it's beta version. After that it was made 9 years ago called cs_sarajevo testing and that version is more complete and everything. Some amazing and good people were able to get the beta version, the only problem is that it is not finished but it also cannot be run on a live server. I am an owner of one public server (I will not name it since my intention here is not to advertise the server but to find this aweseom map) and would very much love it if it is able or possible to find the testing version of this map. The original link where it was first uploaded is this one: https://twhl.info/vault/view/5623


The problem here is that the download link leads to an external website and it gets lost that way. I tried to recover it with the wayback machine but was unsuccessful. I am even willing to pay someone who will find it with a steam wallet or through paypal as I really love that map. I contacted the creator but it looks like he has been offline for years. 

01.10.2020, 14:11:09#1 - Cep}|{ пишет :
Группа : Root
Регистрация : 20.11.2007

This version?

1. ( 9.2 Mb )
02.10.2020, 16:08:24#2 - LoG!c пишет :
Группа : Пользователи
Регистрация : 01.10.2020

That is the beta version and thanks to a few people we have that now. The problem with that version is that it is not playable on a live server and since I own one I would love to play it there. Also in that version the whole building is closed and not finishied which is probably one of the reasons that crashes the server. The version I am looking for is the second one, called cs_sarajevo testing, from this link: https://twhl.info/vault/view/5623

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