Статистика по очкам ( Общая )
Lynx (tier 3)
Автор / ы модели : Epic Games , Napas Просмотров : 2412 ( +1 ) Скачиваний : 312 Прислал / (а) : NitrO Дата создания : 31.05.2020 14:43:25 Рейтинг : ( 0 ) Поделиться :
Похожие 1. The Reaper - Fortnite (+arms) 2. Dark Bomber - Fortnite (+ arms) 3. Ninja - Fortnite 4. Nitelite - Fortnite (+ arms) 5. Whiteout - Fortnite (+ arms), two options, with and without a backpack 6. Golden Ice Brute - Fortnite +arms 7. Velocity - Fortnite +arms 8. Kepler Xenomorph - Fortnite (+ arms) 9. Jinx - League of Legends (+ arms)
Ammy 09.06.2020, 6:17:16 пишет :
#1 //Lynx скин //materials materials/models/player/custom_player/napas/lynx/2.vtf materials/models/player/custom_player/napas/lynx/body.vtf materials/models/player/custom_player/napas/lynx/f_med_neoncat_cyberbody.vmt materials/models/player/custom_player/napas/lynx/f_med_neoncat_cyberhead.vmt materials/models/player/custom_player/napas/lynx/head.vtf //models models/player/custom_player/napas/fort/lynx_v2.dx90.vtx models/player/custom_player/napas/fort/lynx_v2.mdl models/player/custom_player/napas/fort/lynx_v2.phy models/player/custom_player/napas/fort/lynx_v2.vvt
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