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MIG-21 / J-7 / F-7 Pack
[Add-On] 1.1
Просмотров : 502 ( +6 ) Прислал / (а) : NitrO Дата создания : 06.06.2016 12:07:50 Рейтинг : ( 0 ) Поделиться :
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MIG 21 Fishbed and its varients : are the most-produced supersonic jet aircraft in aviation history and the most-produced combat aircraft since the Korean War, and it was previously the longest production run of a combat aircraft (now exceeded by both the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle and General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon) if you count J-7 and F-7 its varients then it exceeded F-16 and F-15 in production numbers i think. not sure.
This pack includes following 6 Aircraft:
Russian Air Force Mig-21 Fishbed
Похожие 1. Alfa Romeo TZ3 Stradale - Zagato 2. Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG - (Add-on / Replace) v1.3 3. Lamborghini Huracan - Italian Police and LAPD+Template 1.1 4. Range Rover Sport FBI - (Templated | Unlocked) Unmarked Police 3.1 5. Volkswagen Vento VR6 - car 6. Toyota Camry V40 (2008) - [Tunable | Add-On / Replace] 1.0 7. Bugatti Chiron - [Replace]
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