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[Replace] 1.0

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[Replace] 1.0

Автор / ы : KilledMaster
Просмотров : 583 ( +1 )
Прислал / (а) : NitrO
Дата создания : 09.06.2016 11:48:04
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T-80U series main battle tank is a main battle tank developed by the former Soviet Union, the T-80 development, since 1976, the service so far, nicknamed the "flying tank" (Russian:''Летающий Танк")

The history of the first production of the whole gas turbine powered tank. Due to the R & D and production of T-80 production units in Russia and Ukraine, the two countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union to continue the development of T-80 series, and derived from the T-80U (Russia), T-84 (Ukraine) and other new models. In addition to Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet Union countries, Cyprus, Pakistan, South Korea and other countries also have T-80 and a variety of derivative models of service.

Похожие1. Mercedes Benz G65 AMG (2013) - Replace + Tuning v1.3
2. Peugeot 504 Coupé (1976) - [Add-On / Replace] 1.0
3. Eurocopter EC145 CIOPAER/CE - helicopter
4. BMW F82 M4 (2015) - [Add-On | Tuning] 1.0
1. ( 6.2 Mb )
T-80U T-80U T-80U T-80U
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