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Half Life 2: Raising the Bar ReduxHalf Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux

Experience Half-Life 2 like never before....

Brutal Half-Life: SourceBrutal Half-Life: Source

The main purpose of this mod is to make a full straight port of Brutal Half-Life to the Source Engine. Which means that ...

Статистика по очкам ( Общая )


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    Resident Evil 4Mauser Kar-98 [Rifle de Madeira]
    Rifle Tactico-G36 RE6 [Chicago Typewriter]
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    Barret M82 Riggi [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    Resident Evil 4Barret M82 Riggi [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    Bear Commander [Chicago Typewriter]
    Resident Evil 4Bear Commander [Chicago Typewriter]