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a player model .vmdl which is drag and drop ready

  • Описание

CS:GO to CS2 Player Model porting

a player model .vmdl which is drag and drop ready

Автор / ы урока : Darnias
Просмотров : 1215 ( +1 )
Скачиваний : 94
Прислал / (а) : NitrO
Дата создания : 08.09.2023 19:13:13
Источник : https://discord.gg/72PjDdp2
Рейтинг :
 ( 4 ) 
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Concise guide:

  • Edit body mesh node .smd to use custom model of your choice (Still needs to be rigged, CS:GO skeleton optimally)
  • Tick or untick RenderMeshShape1 in gloves mesh node depending on if your model has no hands and you plan to support player gloves
  • Update material .vmats and delete old ones
  • Edit character arm cfg (viewmodel hands) node based on your preference
  • Make sure your .vmats are using Character shader!

Important nodes have comment notes so read them before asking questions please. .rar contains 3 files:

  • CT_humanoid_prefab.vmdl - This is what you use for player models. (It can be used for zombie or T models also)
  • SAS_gloves.fbx - This is CS2 SAS gloves model, used for if you want humanoids to have gloves that work with CS2 gloves
  • viewmodel_arms_prefab.vmdl - This is what you use for view models (hands)

1. ( 679.3 Kb )
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2. Экспорт моделей из других игр - Экспорт моделей из других игр при помощи Ninja Ripper
3. Создание моделей. От начала до игры. - Как создать модель и экспортировать ее.
4. Перенос модели оружия из CS:S в CS:GO - Перенос модели оружия из Counter-Strike: Source в Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
5. Делаем из обычной модели CS:GO, серверную - Из обычной модели Counter-Strike: Global Offensive делаем серверную модель
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