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Heavy Zombie from CSO and CS 1.6 in 2 variants - Heavy Host and Heavy Origin. Arms included.
Heavy Zombie
Heavy Zombie from CSO and CS 1.6 in 2 variants - Heavy Host and Heavy Origin. Arms included.
Автор / ы модели : RuFa804 , Nexon Corporation Просмотров : 1896 ( +2 ) Скачиваний : 109 Прислал / (а) : NitrO Дата создания : 06.11.2017 6:41:57 Рейтинг : ( 0 ) Поделиться :
Похожие 1. Fleshpound - Fleshpound from Killing Floor 2 with 2 skins, arms (standart, bloody and an old version coz someone compelled me to publish it) and also headless & head models 2. Failed FEV subject - Port from Fallout 3 3. Tank - Model from Left 4 Dead 4. Wraith - - 5. G Stages 1, 2, 3 - G-virus mutation from Resident Evil 2. These models were made as knife-only (e.g. zombie mod) 6. Eliminator - Зараженная обезьяна из RE 0 and in RE:The Umbrella Chronicles для Zombie-mod. 7. Zombie bomb - + zombie atms 8. Marauder - Marauder from Doom Eternal (+arms)
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