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(And Tattoo)

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Trasendence Series with glow effect

(And Tattoo)

Автор / ы пака : Nexon , [A]ether [F]oxy
Просмотров : 1531 ( +1 )
Скачиваний : 275
Прислал / (а) : NitrO
Дата создания : 28.04.2018 13:06:29
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Good to all, here I have all weapons of transcendence of the CSO with an effect of sheen that I it self put him together with his files sound, GFX, Sprites and P/W, Also with the tattoo of the Tiger (Like the Blade RuneBreaker, the Warhammer, the Desperado and the Crimson Hunter represent the same are divided into different folders)

In the File they will see That there is a folder with the models W and P (P and W in case of error) original of the Counter Strike, This is if some model P/W of the weapon of Transcendency gives you some mistake on having played / entered the Counter Strike As this one

Bad Consistence File For P/W_ak47.mdl

If this alone mistake goes out for them between in the folder " P and W in marries of mistake " We Copy the model P/W of her ak47 and stick it inside the folder "models" of our Counter Strike and it have to of fixing the mistake up

NOTE: The effect of sheen lowers a bit the fps when you have the model in the hand, But if you have one PC of the NASA I do not believe that you have problems

Also and put an alternative download with the same models but without the effect of sheen

I am using a translator for this, which does not surprise you if they see something this badly translated

Also there changes the translator that I use, but I think that he continues translating equally of bad

Video Of Skins/Video De Las Skins

Похожие1. Killing Floor MegaPack - Большой пак различных моделей из игры Killing Floor для Counter-Strike
2. Оружия Второй мировой войны для cs - Сборник оружия ВМВ
3. CS HD Retextured Weapon Models - Данный пак меняет все оружие в Counter-Strike 1.6 на модели с улучшенными текстурами.
4. Пак моделей оружия из cso (женские руки) - Пак моделей оружия из cso.В архиве нет только щита, а гранаты только с мужскими руками.
5. CS:GO Weapons Pack - Update #3
6. Re-Origined and Smoothed HD Defaults w/wout Sleeve - Skin Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6
1. ( 25.1 Mb )
Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect Trasendence Series with glow effect
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