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Небольшой мод из 4х карт от LetKyx...

Half-Life (Alpha Version 0.52)Half-Life (Alpha Version 0.52)

Альфа версия Half-Life образца 1997 года...

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New comments

Cep}|{ 06/16/2023 at 3:28:57 PM commented : Alyx Vance
ZhuYB : her hair is in the mdl file in this archive

ZhuYB 06/16/2023 at 1:37:36 AM commented : Alyx Vance
I can't find her hair😢

Cep}|{ 06/14/2023 at 3:12:00 PM commented : Alyx Vance (New Nude)
Skrizy_zeve, по инструкции ставил?

Skrizy_zeve 06/14/2023 at 2:48:25 PM commented : Alyx Vance (New Nude)
тока вопрос в папку адоны кидать? или куда а то если через адоны то неработает.

Skrizy_zeve 06/14/2023 at 2:36:28 PM commented : Alyx Vance (New Nude)

Urektus 06/13/2023 at 10:32:28 PM commented : magazine_rack
This one is from a free source engine game called NEOTOKYO, the community is still alive and we play every friday evening. Come play with us!

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