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Stat points ( ALL )

Tutorials for mods creation

overall : 0 / 94
Facial animation

Facial animation - 0 (0)

Tutorials about facial expressions


Graphics - 6 (0)

Working with graphics


Introduction - 5 (0)

Introduction to modding for Half-Life 2

Introduction to the editors

Introduction to the editors - 3 (0)

Tutorials about the use of various programs and editors


Modeling - 6 (0)

Various articles about modeling for the Source engine


Sound - 0 (0)

Working with audio

    Портирование карты CS:GO в CS2
    Half-Life 2Портирование карты CS:GO в CS2
    CS:GO to CS2 Player Model porting
    Half-Life 2CS:GO to CS2 Player Model porting
    Настраиваем Crowbar для CS:GO
    Half-Life 2Настраиваем Crowbar для CS:GO
    Делаем из обычной модели CS:GO, серверную
    Half-Life 2Делаем из обычной модели CS:GO, серверную