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3д шутер с элементами квеста...

Stat ( source mods ), pcs.

Everything for the fifth iteration of the most famous fighting game

overall : 0 / 25

Characters - 24 (0)

Character mods


Miscellaneous - 0 (0)

Various files not included in other sections


Software - 1 (0)

Software necessary for game customization


Stages - 0 (0)

The place where you fight

    Juri as Widowmaker (OW)
    Street Fighter VJuri as Widowmaker (OW)
    Laura as Sombra Overwatch
    Street Fighter VLaura as Sombra Overwatch
    Alpha Birdie
    Street Fighter VAlpha Birdie
    Cammy as OW Tracer
    Street Fighter VCammy as OW Tracer