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Jailbreak 2004Jailbreak 2004

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Same as «ka» except that players have only 35 Health Points.
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:40:58 AM
Карты для модификации «Hide 'n' Seek» («СS-Прятки»)
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:40:32 AM
One of the players after a certain time (usually 15-30 seconds) after the beginning of the round becomes a zombie.
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:40:07 AM
WallHack. Чаще всего, — это ремейки популярных карт (de_dust, de_dust2, de_train и так далее). Главная особенность — прозрачные стены.
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:38:50 AM
WallHack. Most often, these are remakes of popular maps (de_dust, de_dust2, de_train and so on). The main feature — transparent walls.
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:38:37 AM
Maps with the presence of special ramps, on which the player slides it to the desired point.
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:38:07 AM
Maps for "SoccerJam" football modification
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:37:22 AM
Prepared Assault или Pistol Arena, то же самое, что и ka, за исключением выдаваемого оружия — пистолеты
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:36:51 AM
Maps for "Climbing Mod" modification (Kreedz) — the player does not need to kill anyone, and the goal is to overcome very long and complex obstacles.
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:36:35 AM
Тип kreedz карты, созданная мапперами из немецкого комьюнити (climbers germany)(модификация kreedz).
Folder | 08/14/2010 8:35:40 AM
    Lightning Hawck [Killer 7]
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