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They Hunger:Team Raccoon EditionThey Hunger:Team Raccoon Edition

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New comments

nnerd 05/08/2023 at 12:40:26 PM commented : AK47 Iron Beast
Also, you have yet to accept a discord friend request. I can't message you until you do accept it. I messaged you on Steam instead.

nnerd 05/08/2023 at 12:39:27 PM commented : AK47 Iron Beast
No, it is not fine. I made this mod, and it isnt just a port. Those textures were hand animated by me as you cannot extract the animated textures from crossfire. Please take it down.

NitrO 05/06/2023 at 8:05:07 AM commented : AK47 Iron Beast
Everything is fine, all copyrights are observed, relax.
if you want to talk write to the discord.

nnerd 05/06/2023 at 2:14:25 AM commented : AK47 Iron Beast
Hello. You did not ask for or receive permission to re-upload my work. Please remove this post immediately.

mario614 05/04/2023 at 7:09:33 PM commented : AWP default extras
sound dont work

Cep}|{ 05/01/2023 at 7:26:45 PM commented : MIGI 3.0 beta
Никто не жаловался.

Если для оружия на земле то все то же самое - найти функцию спавна оружия на карте и проделать те же самые манипуляции. Я давно не работаю с ванильным хл сдк так что подробнее расписать по памяти вряд-ли смогу.

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