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Kreedz ClimbingKreedz Climbing

Сетевой мод для любителей преодолевать препятствия на время....

Heart of Evil: SourceHeart of Evil: Source

Порт замечательного мода!!...

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GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Server-Side Players»Fortnite

+ arms

MW Original P90 - Tayay9

MW Original P90 - Tayay9

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»P90

//inspect anims //transparent mag with dynamic bullets //custom particle effects //original sounds from MW with some tweaks //full icons for inventory & ingame HUD

Claire - Tall Oaks

Claire - Tall Oaks

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil: Revelations 2»Models and Reskins»Characters

Костюм Хелены Харпер из первой половины кампании Леона в RE6 для Клэр

Gina Foley (RE Revelations 2)

Gina Foley (RE Revelations 2)

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil 5»Models and Reskins»Characters

Два варианта модели Джины Фоули - сестры печально известной Рейчел из первой части Revelations

MW Anims MP5K - Tayay9

MW Anims MP5K - Tayay9

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»MP5-SD

//inspect anim //no w model //custom particle effect //tarkov mp5k model

Older Neptune

Older Neptune

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Server-Side Players»Gals (Anime)

Hyperdimension Neptunia (+ arms)

Blackops:Cold War AWM -Tayay9

Blackops:Cold War AWM -Tayay9

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»AWP

//tweaked animations //with inspect //highly detailed textures //converted & adjusted particles from workshop //fully custom sounds //physics bone included PS:If you find any problems plz report to my Bilibili account named "Tayay9"

Gallo SA12

Gallo SA12

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»XM1014




GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Dual Elites




GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Server-Side Players»Miscellaneous


    Counter-Strike Global OffensiveM4A1-S BLACK LOTUS
    A>> HK-PSG1 Ware [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    Resident Evil 4A>> HK-PSG1 Ware [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    A>> Fighter Evil [Handcannon]
    Resident Evil 4A>> Fighter Evil [Handcannon]
    Myrmidon (Раздача в Steam)
    Myrmidon (Раздача в Steam)