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Модификация по рассказу Говарда Лавкрафта...

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Очень своеобразный мод

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Research and Development

Очень своеобразный мод

Views : 3817 ( +1 )
Downloads : 203
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 12/10/2011 9:27:57 PM
Rating :
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Developer / (s) : mbortolino
Release date : 07/14/2009

Following translations are available : | russian |

R&D’s hook is that it’s essentially non-combative. Yep – you go without guns throughout (bar the ol’ Gravity jobbie, but hey, that’s more about construction than destruction here). Sure, you can tell an Antlion to claw someone to death or arrange to squash men with falling girders, but you’re definitely not Edward Pistolhands. It’s an environmental adventure game, taking the irregular physics and logic puzzles seen in HL2 itself and turning them into the game itself. Mazes, gravity, exploding microwaves and fire-retardant antlion carapaces all make an appearance – it’s very much a point’n’click adventure in an FPS engine.

для игры вам понабиться Half-Life 2: Episode Two


Similar1. Underhell: Prologue - Underhell – мод из рязряда тех, при игре в которые у игрока впервые со времён Research and Development возникает мысль «Ну неужели что-то новое!».
2. Estranged - Вы терпите кораблекрушение, ну а дальше... зомби!!!
3. 1048 - Can you survive a night on room 1408? The room only has one goal. Will you resist the urge? Don't trust anything, it's all in your head. There isn't only one way out.
1. ( 54.6 Mb )
2. ( 4.8 Mb )
Research and Development Research and Development Research and Development Research and Development Research and Development Research and Development
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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