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Black DeathBlack Death

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Stat ( source models ), pcs.


Гараж СТО

Гараж СТО

GoldSRC | Source»Goldsrc Warehouse (HL1)»Prefabs

Текстуры взяты из S.T.A.L.K.E.R , Half-Life Paranoia , и скачаны с интернета. В архиве: rmf,map,wad,bsp

Russian Pilot

Russian Pilot

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Agents

MW II (Replaced leet_variantb)

Threewave - Blue Gman

Threewave - Blue Gman

GoldSRC | Source»Goldsrc Warehouse (HL1)»Player models»Sven Co-op 5.0

This is a ported model of the blue team playermodel from Threewave.

Threewave - Red Gman

Threewave - Red Gman

GoldSRC | Source»Goldsrc Warehouse (HL1)»Player models»Sven Co-op 5.0

This is a ported model of the red team playermodel from Threewave.

Shadow Company | SMG

Shadow Company | SMG

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Agents

MW II (Replaced leet_variantb)

Shadow Company | SG

Shadow Company | SG

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Agents

MW II (Replaced leet_variantb)

Shadow Company | DMR

Shadow Company | DMR

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Agents

MW II (Replaced leet_variantb)

Shadow Company | AR

Shadow Company | AR

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Agents

MW II (Replaced leet_variantb)



GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Player models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Agents

MW II (Replaced zombie_ghost also have custom arms)

Quake Double Shotgun Port

Quake Double Shotgun Port

GoldSRC | Source»Goldsrc Warehouse (HL1)»Weapon models»Half-Life»Shotgun

Снова порт дробовика из Quake I, но дробовик двуствольный.

    A>> HK-PSG1 Ware [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    Resident Evil 4A>> HK-PSG1 Ware [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    A>> Fighter Evil [Handcannon]
    Resident Evil 4A>> Fighter Evil [Handcannon]
    Stinger V2 [Rocket Launcher]
    Resident Evil 4Stinger V2 [Rocket Launcher]
    Myrmidon (Раздача в Steam)
    Myrmidon (Раздача в Steam)