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It's not just freeman on combine, it's freeman on combine, on antlions, with rebels!

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It's not just freeman on combine, it's freeman on combine, on antlions, with rebels!

Author/s of the map : strider
Views : 1171 ( +1 )
Downloads : 155
Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi
Created : 01/23/2017 1:55:39 PM
Rating :
 ( 3 ) 
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Following translations are available : | english | russian |

OK first things first - there are a million of these style maps available now but
i believe mines a little different. It's not just Freeman on combine, it's Freeman
on combine, on antlions, with rebels! And its a sequel to my HL1 map allout (duh)
which was strangley popular considering how shit it was.

Anyway advances incluse combine/antlion controllable gates (choose your enemy anytime!)
a kill all switch (25 seconds to recharge) and a small rebel squad to help. ENJOY

O yeah you might wanna set r_decals to something like 30 and r_drawflecks and r_drawmodeldecals
to 0 for best performance.


Similar1. Boo! -
2. Dooleus Arena 4 -
3. Nightmare_House -
4. Rooms_Beta.1 -
1. ( 405 Kb )
Allout_source_2 Allout_source_2
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TheLakkyDog 07/23/2021, 11:19:43 AM commented :
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