Stat ( map sources ), pcs.
It's not just freeman on combine, it's freeman on combine, on antlions, with rebels!
It's not just freeman on combine, it's freeman on combine, on antlions, with rebels!
Author/s of the map : strider Views : 1171 ( +1 ) Downloads : 155 Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi Created : 01/23/2017 1:55:39 PM Rating : ( 3 ) Share :
OK first things first - there are a million of these style maps available now but
i believe mines a little different. It's not just Freeman on combine, it's Freeman
on combine, on antlions, with rebels! And its a sequel to my HL1 map allout (duh)
which was strangley popular considering how shit it was.
Anyway advances incluse combine/antlion controllable gates (choose your enemy anytime!)
a kill all switch (25 seconds to recharge) and a small rebel squad to help. ENJOY
O yeah you might wanna set r_decals to something like 30 and r_drawflecks and r_drawmodeldecals
to 0 for best performance.
Similar 1. Boo! - 2. Dooleus Arena 4 - 3. Nightmare_House - 4. Rooms_Beta.1 -
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