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USS DarkStarUSS DarkStar

Битва с пришельцами на космическом исследовательском корабле....


Мы играем за Джона Спрюскейпа, бывшего профессора философии, алкоголика, который проживает в загородном доме где-то на А...

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Get through the underground and back up to the surface to back up your buddies.

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Get through the underground and back up to the surface to back up your buddies.

Author/s of the map : sean herron
Views : 965 ( +1 )
Downloads : 125
Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi
Created : 01/23/2017 2:20:29 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Following translations are available : | english |

Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium
Detail: Medium (getting much better at those outdoor environments!)

Story: After falling into the abandoned underground (yes u could'nt tell what is was where is finished).
You kinda lost all all of your weapons execpt for ur trusty crowbar. Get through the underground and back up to the surface to back up your buddies.

Similar1. Boo! -
2. Clusterfuck combat map -
3. Escape -
4. Nightmare_House -
5. NOAMZ_Tunnels -
6. otherworld -
7. romanpool -
8. sp_city -
9. The_Village -
1. ( 2.1 Mb )
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