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Модификация по рассказу Говарда Лавкрафта...

Heart Of EvilHeart Of Evil

Сердце зла...

Stat ( comments ), pcs.

This is a fresh new remake of the HL2 grenade, since there don't seem to exist any proper high-res skins for that weapon. All done by me, and feel free to use this however you'd like (non-commercial) as long as you credit me.

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HL2 Grenade: Redux

This is a fresh new remake of the HL2 grenade, since there don't seem to exist any proper high-res skins for that weapon. All done by me, and feel free to use this however you'd like (non-commercial) as long as you credit me.

Author/s of the model : yumyumshisha
Views : 1643 ( +2 )
Downloads : 467
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 04/28/2018 12:42:27 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Similar1. Hopwire - Hopwire из бета версии Half-Life 2 на замену гранаты
2. Pr0digy's Frag Nade - for HL2
3. HL2 grenade retextured - Отличный ретекстур оригинальной гранаты
4. Christmas Ornament (HL2) - Елочные бомбуэ
5. Overwatch Extractor -
1. ( 5 Mb )
HL2 Grenade: Redux HL2 Grenade: Redux HL2 Grenade: Redux HL2 Grenade: Redux HL2 Grenade: Redux
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