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Stat ( goldsrc mods sources ), pcs.

Dota 2 (+ arms)

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Dota 2 (+ arms)

Author/s of the model : kolkazadrot , VAlve
Views : 1282 ( +4 )
Downloads : 118
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 05/20/2023 5:49:09 PM
Rating :
 ( 0 ) 
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Similar1. Harley Quinn - model from Batman: Arkham Knight
2. Nova - From Starcraft in 2 versions , comes with arms.
3. Blackcat - Heroes
4. D.Va - Girl D.Va, robot pilot, from Overwatch (+arms)
5. Drow Ranger - Dota 2
6. Aerith Gainsborough - from FFVII Remake (Include arms, custom proportion, hitboxes and jigglebones.)
1. ( 3.6 Mb )
Marci Marci
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