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The Ugandan Knuckles meme is focused on a meme in which people in the game VRchat run around repeating the term “Do you know the way?” (Spelled Do you know de wey). The meaning of this phrase has to do with them finding their queen.

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Ugandan Knuckles

The Ugandan Knuckles meme is focused on a meme in which people in the game VRchat run around repeating the term “Do you know the way?” (Spelled Do you know de wey). The meaning of this phrase has to do with them finding their queen.

Author/s of the model : Kuristaja
Views : 7442 ( +2 )
Downloads : 1295
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 05/05/2018 12:44:05 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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1. ( 402.7 Kb )
Ugandan Knuckles
Mirilacia 02/17/2020, 3:55:24 PM commented :
very nice
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