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Zombie man
+ zombie atms
Views : 660 ( +1 ) Downloads : 50 Uploader : NitrO Created : 11/30/2019 8:56:14 AM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
Similar 1. Frozen Zombie - Frozen zombie model with included decapitation plugin. 2. Tank - Model from Left 4 Dead 3. Revenant - Updated to V2 , added armmodel and updated Hitboxes(Credits to Darnias and big THX for this). 4. Skeleton - Скелет, + руки 5. G Stages 1, 2, 3 - G-virus mutation from Resident Evil 2. These models were made as knife-only (e.g. zombie mod) 6. Bloat - These models were made as knife-only (e.g. zombie mod) 7. Marauder - Marauder from Doom Eternal (+arms)
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