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(Animated) 1.0

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Tactical M4A1 CQB

(Animated) 1.0

Views : 495 ( +1 )
Downloads : 1
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 04/13/2016 9:41:04 PM
Rating :
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A flashy new weapon for y’all, on some true tactical shit!

Comes with a scope with a dot in it, for first person users, comes with a lazer on the side, comes with a flashlight, and a stunning barrel. I also made a sexy-ass silencer for y’all. It won’t show up in clips/movies in rockstar editor, still gotta figure out why silencers and scopes show up in the orinigal state, so I made a video with my Iphone so y’all can see it.

Similar1. Murasama - (Jetstream Sam Katana)
2. AKS-74U - Battlefield: Hardline 1.0
3. Mass Effect 2 M-8 Avenger - v.1.01
1. ( 4.5 Mb )
Tactical M4A1 CQB Tactical M4A1 CQB Tactical M4A1 CQB
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