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Ispitatel 4 ClassicIspitatel 4 Classic

Классический Испытатель часть 4...

A Corny VoyageA Corny Voyage

Одиночная модификация для Half-Life 2, где предстоит играть за зерно кукурузы в пищеварительной системе....

Stat ( source tutorials ), pcs.

Действие игры начинается во время портальных штормов. Нам, как обычно, отведена роль немого героя, собирающегося спасти мир. Как и полагается, на улицах появляются зомби и вортигонты. Армия тут же выдвинула войска, которые уничтожают всех, даже обычных граждан. Без G-Man'a, кстати, тоже не обошлось.

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Действие игры начинается во время портальных штормов. Нам, как обычно, отведена роль немого героя, собирающегося спасти мир. Как и полагается, на улицах появляются зомби и вортигонты. Армия тут же выдвинула войска, которые уничтожают всех, даже обычных граждан. Без G-Man'a, кстати, тоже не обошлось.

Views : 7311 ( +1 )
Downloads : 495
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 10/31/2013 8:05:06 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Developer / (s) : TeamGT
Release date : 10/17/2010

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

I’ve decided to post here on the 1187 page because in a way this affects 1187 and I believe that some of the fans might be curious what I’ve been doing all this time.

So yeah, Contagion’s the name, zombie survival co-op at it’s best is the game. Yesterday our kickstarter went live. Contagion’s in it’s final stretches of development which means our Kickstater will come with all the information on pricing, release schedule, and most of the questions we’ve been asked since Contagion was announced.

The reason for this Kickstarter is to help us in the final stages of Contagion’s development. Up to this point all development costs, licenses required to continue our work, our trips to GDC, PAX, and Gamescom, and much more has been all out of our own pockets and while we’d very much like to finish without asking, we’re just so close and it’s time we ask our community, fans, and hopefuls to help us reach the milestone that will get the ball rolling on it’s own. We need your support to help in the final stretches of development. We hope to see our 1187, ZP:S, NMRiH, and new Contagion fans showing their support!.

We had a Preliminary Beta Key give away the least few days and we’re getting a lot of positive feedback from the beta players. It’s an early beta and there’s a lot of room for us to improve, while that being said, the beta release has gone extremely well and we’ve already updated the game and will be doing so until release.

I hope to see some of you guys back the project and help us in realizing our dream of creating a fun and unique, true coop zombie survival experience.

Half-Life 2 mod


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