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Above the Catacombs


Views : 1805 ( +2 )
Downloads : 15
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 07/20/2015 5:44:14 PM
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Version : Alpha 0.73 (TBD)

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

A Half-Life 2: Episode Two modification based four decades after the Seven Hour War. Above the Catacombs is set on the day after total female extinction. Mankind is on the brink of vanishing from the face of the Earth due to the mass infertility caused by the suppression field. What is left of the urban centers that were initially formed shortly after the Combine Empire's complete domination of the planet are littered apartments, shuffling figures on the streets and the absence of hope. The air seems to have a wrenching stench. You play as an average middle-aged citizen on the day of their relocation to a distant city.


Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod


Similar1. Abyss - Portal 2: Abyss
2. Sven Co-op II - First Person Shooter
1. ( 38.9 Mb )
2. ( 41.7 Mb )
Above the Catacombs Above the Catacombs Above the Catacombs Above the Catacombs Above the Catacombs Above the Catacombs Above the Catacombs
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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