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Project EliminationProject Elimination

Мультиплеерный мод на HL1, открытый мир поделенный на связаные локации, PvP и PvE система с RPG элементами...

Hopeless NightHopeless Night


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The first three playable maps are ready now. I hope you will like it.

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Experiment 04

The first three playable maps are ready now. I hope you will like it.

Views : 805 ( +1 )
Downloads : 152
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/18/2020 1:59:33 PM
Rating :
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Version : Early Access
Developer / (s) : Mert_Guclu
Release date : 08/4/2019
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | english |

Story: In the future, scientist Kurt Mullins created his Super Twin (Experiment 04) within the Data Cloning Institute laboratory using advanced cloning technology but his real body died unexpectedly. The Super Twin was Mullins' exact clone, which had the most unusual of characteristics; he was near-superhuman, in addition to being physically immaculate. This Twin was immediately imprisoned in a special holding facility by DCI. It was the hope of the company that he would be a powerful military weapon. Super Twin had all of Kurt Mullins' memories, locked deep in his clouded mind. DCI assured him that the loss of his memory was a temporary side effect of the cloning process. They quickly attributed it to a flaw in his creation process. However, this attempt at deception proved unsuccessful. It took little of his superior intellect to come to a decision. He was going to escape.


Half-Life 2: Episode One mod


Similar1. TITAN / ATROPHY: XCIX - Это первое приключение человека, который происходит на борту корабля.
2. Get a Life - Шутер от первого лица
3. Portal 2 | Memories - Memories
4. Precursor - First Person Shooter
5. Dangerous World - You play as one of the human rebels - Frank Harrison, who's currently in his hideout outside City 17.
6. Half-Life 2: MMod - The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay
1. ( 430.2 Mb )
Experiment 04 Experiment 04 Experiment 04 Experiment 04 Experiment 04 Experiment 04 Experiment 04 Experiment 04
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