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Отечественный мод, в котором мы можем сыграть за самого GMan'а!...

Brutal Half-Life: SourceBrutal Half-Life: Source

The main purpose of this mod is to make a full straight port of Brutal Half-Life to the Source Engine. Which means that ...

Stat ( goldsrc models ), pcs.


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Views : 3614 ( +4 )
Downloads : 40
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 03/24/2013 10:54:42 AM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Developer / (s) : Rose-Boom: Beauty of Destruction
Release date : 05/15/2012
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

What is Hyp?

Hyp is a competitive top-down shooter. The players assume control of a covert special forces team funded by the shadow government. Your team operates in a compartmentalized manner and will engage in missions involving: raids of underground military installations, neutralizing witnesses and evidence, and securing valuable reverse engineered alien technology. There are six main factions to control, which clash in a secret war, each with their own unique attributes and directives established by their unbeknownst "elite" superiors.

Planned Features:

5 Gameplay modes ( Insta-Gib mutator for all gameplays )



Team Deathmatch

Elimination ( Last Man Standing - think aim maps )


Over 40 weapons

4 playable factions, each with individual weapon loadouts.

Spawn Protection: Say good bye to spawn killing, spawns are chosen randomly and protected by a radius. ( If an enemy player is inside this radius the game will not spawn you there. )

Hypovolemia is a 100% free top down shooter for the Source Engine created using the Alien Swarm SDK..

Similar1. CSPromod - Основная цель CSPromod заключается в дальнейшем прогрессе E-Sports.
2. Half-Life 2 Capture The Flag - Захват флага теперь и в HL2
3. Counter-Strike Source SWOF - Counter-Strike Source Stalker War of Faction
4. Counter-Strike 1.6: Source - Основной целью этой модификации является создание версии порта Counter-Strike 1.6.
1. ( 367.5 Mb )
Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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