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First Person Shooter

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Modular Combat

First Person Shooter

Views : 2795 ( +1 )
Downloads : 50
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 08/12/2014 2:25:05 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Version : 2.0.6
Developer / (s) : Mod Fidelity
Release date : 06/18/2008

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Modular Combat is a role-playing shooter based in the Half-Life universe.

The Resistance, Combine, and Aperture Science are testing the HEV Mark VI Combat System. Combatants face off against each other, and monsters, in the Controlled Combat Testing Facility, which is monitored by a super-computer known as BoSS.

There are over 50 modules that can be upgraded at any level, in any combination. Modules give combatants amazing abilities such as flying, teleporting, spawning minions, and shooting flechettes or energy balls. Basically, if you want to kill something in a special way…

We have a module for that.

Half-Life 2 mod

Similar1. Gutter Runners - Многопользовательский мод, где предстоит играть одну и команд: большие крысы и люди.
2. NEOTOKYO° - Футуристический мод на движке source
3. Action Halflife 2 - First Person Shooter
4. Counter-Strike: Classic Offensive - First Person Shooter
5. Counter-Strike 1.6: Source - Основной целью этой модификации является создание версии порта Counter-Strike 1.6.
6. NOBLE Strike - is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating
1. ( 82.4 Mb )
2. ( 12.1 Kb )
Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat Modular Combat
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