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Модификация по рассказу Говарда Лавкрафта...

Heart Of EvilHeart Of Evil

Сердце зла...

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First Person Shooter, Horror

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Rabbit Hole: the bottom

First Person Shooter, Horror

Autor / s of the review : _PuLSaR_
Views : 2709 ( +1 )
Downloads : 65
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 12/07/2014 12:22:57 PM
Rating :
 ( 4 ) 
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Release date : 07/14/2014

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

You can’t remember who you are. This place doesn’t seem familiar to you. You are trying to escape from your enemies, but the only way to get out is downstairs. To the deepest underground.

Mod Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Similar1. Flesh - Вы появляетесь в туалете заправочной. На улице ночь. Все достаточно мрачно и загадочно.
2. Get a Life - Шутер от первого лица
3. Heart of Evil: Source - Порт замечательного мода!!
4. City_SPb2 v.1.0 - Город Санкт-Петербург, будущее...
5. Transmissions - Element 120 - First Person Shooter
6. Lunar Descent - First Person Shooter
7. Too Many Crates! - When there are too many crates in one place, only one person possesses the skills to save the day.
8. False Destination - is part of a larger unfinished mod that was supposed to tell the story of Gordon Freeman found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
1. ( 99.1 Mb )
Rabbit Hole: the bottom Rabbit Hole: the bottom Rabbit Hole: the bottom Rabbit Hole: the bottom Rabbit Hole: the bottom Rabbit Hole: the bottom
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
S123_PRO_SYSTEM 12/22/2015, 9:10:24 AM commented :
Пришлось по извращаться запуская на Source 2007
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