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After the explosion in Nova Prospect, Gordon Freeman teleports to City 16, right during the beginnig of the uprising.
Rebel Surge
After the explosion in Nova Prospect, Gordon Freeman teleports to City 16, right during the beginnig of the uprising.
Views : 1341 ( +2 ) Downloads : 97 Uploader : NitrO Created : 11/19/2020 6:02:20 AM Rating : ( 4 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : StevenCabbage
Release date : 03/23/2020
Following translations are available : |
english |
Description of the mod:
The mod features replayability, based on difficulties.
The chosen difficulty in Options BEFORE LAUNCHING A MAP will affect on many things during your playthrough.
I highly recommend to play on Normal difficulty during your first playthrough.
Description of each difficulty:
- On Easy:
Lots of supplies, less enemies.
Choose it if you like rushing through hordes of enemies without getting much damage.
- On Normal:
Everything is balanced.
Choose it if you like balanced and entertaining combat.
- On Hard:
Less supplies/weapons, harder enemies.
Choose it if you like challenging and tough combat.
Hint: on hard difficulty you get access to a small secret.
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Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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