Stat ( source plugins ), pcs.
Station 51
First Person Shooter
Views : 3297 ( +1 ) Downloads : 130 Uploader : NitrO Created : 11/12/2013 8:32:54 PM Rating : ( 5 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : SamCom
Release date : 05/8/2013
Station 51 is a single player mod for Half-Life 2: Episode 2. You are on the run from the Combine closing in on your outpost. Can you escape?
Similar 1. The Citizen Returns - First Person Shooter 2. Lost Industry 2 - is a mod based on Half-Life 2, using modified Source SDK 2013. 3. Rebel Surge - After the explosion in Nova Prospect, Gordon Freeman teleports to City 16, right during the beginnig of the uprising.
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
Чипиздрик 11/13/2013, 11:43:30 AM commented :
#1 Ну, и о чём этот мод?
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