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A tweet from the official CS:GO developer Twitter has hinted at the eventual inclusion of a CS:GO game mode based on the popular Zombie Mod

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Zombie Mod Possibly To Be Included in CSGO

A tweet from the official CS:GO developer Twitter has hinted at the eventual inclusion of a CS:GO game mode based on the popular Zombie Mod

Views : 1625 ( +1 )
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Uploader : SlaY_61
Created : 03/13/2012 2:28:36 PM
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Tags : CS: GO, Mod

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A tweet from the official CS:GO developer Twitter @csgo_dev has hinted at the eventual inclusion of a CS:GO game mode based on the popular Zombie Mod for Counter-Strike: Source sometime after the release of Global Offensive. In response to a question asking if they will include a Zombie game mode, Valve responded “We have talked with some of the guys supporting this” and “will have them ready to go as soon as we can but it will be post launch”.


Given how vague this information is, we don’t know anything for certain. It’s possible that Valve will be including Zombie Mod as a core game mode in CS:GO, or maybe they are just supporting the ZM development team by facilitating their independent creation of a version of Zombie Mod for Global Offensive. Either way, fans of Zombie Mod should be excited because we now know for sure that we’ll be seeing it in CS:GO, although not until after Global Offensive is released sometime this summer.

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