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Stat ( maps ), pcs.

Dear Esther is an award-winning, critically acclaimed, experimental first-person game. Built in the Source engine, it abandons traditional gameplay, leaving only a rich world soaked in atmosphere, and an abstract, poetic story to explore. Dear Esther was originally launched in 2008 and is currently being rebuilt by Robert Briscoe - watch this space for updates.

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Dear Esther

Dear Esther is an award-winning, critically acclaimed, experimental first-person game. Built in the Source engine, it abandons traditional gameplay, leaving only a rich world soaked in atmosphere, and an abstract, poetic story to explore. Dear Esther was originally launched in 2008 and is currently being rebuilt by Robert Briscoe - watch this space for updates.

Views : 1866 ( +3 )
Downloads : 60
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 08/22/2016 4:47:58 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Developer / (s) : chineseroom
Release date : 01/1/2011

Following translations are available : | russian |

Similar1. Flesh - Вы появляетесь в туалете заправочной. На улице ночь. Все достаточно мрачно и загадочно.
2. Riot Act - Шутер от первого лица
3. CUBE Mod - CUBE, CUBE 2 Mod
4. Transmissions - Element 120 - First Person Shooter
1. ( 223.9 Mb )
Dear Esther Dear Esther Dear Esther Dear Esther Dear Esther
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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