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Underhell: PrologueUnderhell: Prologue

Underhell – мод из рязряда тех, при игре в которые у игрока впервые со времён Research and Development возникает мысль «...

Stat ( comments ), pcs.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

overall : 0 / 2328
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero - 673 (0)

Maps for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero - 1655 (0)

Weapon models for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Sections with content for this mod / game

Maps sources

Maps sources - 41 (0)

Decompiled maps on the GoldSource engine


Packs - 64 (0)

Various packs for games and mods on the GoldSource engine


Plugins - 28 (0)

Plugins to change gameplay


Prefabs - 101 (0)

Ready-made workpieces


Software - 114 (0)

Various software for modmakers


Tutorials - 119 (0)

Tutorials for mods creation

Various models

Various models - 9861 (0)

Models for Half-Life and GoldSrc mods mapping


WAD - 127 (0)

Sets of textures in WAD format

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