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Карта для полной настройки прицела

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Crosshair Generator v2

Карта для полной настройки прицела

Author/s of the map : crashz
Views : 2650 ( +2 )
Downloads : 327
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 01/12/2018 9:54:32 AM
Rating :
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Following translations are available : | russian |

This is the 2nd version of my crosshair generator map for CS:GO. Use it to easily adjust and test your crosshair without the need of console commands.

Choose from a big collection of crosshairs from professional players and other people from the CS:GO community.

Similar1. Hud generator - Карта для настройки Hud'а
2. Crosshair Generator v3 - Карта для полной настройки прицела
3. Config Generator - Карта для создания своего конфига в кс го
1. ( 13 Mb )
Crosshair Generator v2 Crosshair Generator v2 Crosshair Generator v2 Crosshair Generator v2 Crosshair Generator v2 Crosshair Generator v2
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