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RE3.5 Inventory MenuRE3.5 Inventory Menu

Этот мод изменяет вид инвентаря так, что теперь он выглядит как в ранней версии Resident Evil 4, также известной как Res...


И т.д....

Stat ( software ), pcs.

Day of Defeat: Source

overall : 0 / 2339
Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source - 1505 (0)

Maps for Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source - 595 (0)

Weapon models for Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source - 239 (0)

Player models for DoD: Source

Sections with content for this mod / game


Packs - 65 (0)

Various packs for games and mods on the Source engine


Prefabs - 67 (0)

Ready-made workpieces


Software - 97 (0)

Various software for modmakers


Tutorials - 94 (0)

Tutorials for mods creation

Various models

Various models - 4077 (0)

Models for mapping and modifications on source engine

    Samurai Edge Tactica [Handgun]
    Resident Evil 4Samurai Edge Tactica [Handgun]
    Spas 12 V2 [Riot Gun]
    Resident Evil 4Spas 12 V2 [Riot Gun]
    Colt Black 1911 [Blacktail]
    Resident Evil 4Colt Black 1911 [Blacktail]
    H&K 1911 Compact [Blacktail]
    Resident Evil 4H&K 1911 Compact [Blacktail]