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Stat ( map sources ), pcs.




GoldSRC | Source»Goldsrc Warehouse (HL1)»Player models»Half-life/Opposing Force/Blue Shift»Animals


Light Machine Gun

Light Machine Gun

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Negev

Parabellum mod (no inspection animation)

Double barrel shotgun

Double barrel shotgun

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»MAG-7

Parabellum mod (no inspection animation)

Fiona Belli Pack (Haunting Ground)

Fiona Belli Pack (Haunting Ground)

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil 6»Models and Reskins

Порт трёх моделей главной героини выживалки Haunted Grounds

ATI 500 Shotgun

ATI 500 Shotgun

GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Nova

Parabellum mod (no inspection animation)



GoldSRC | Source»Source Warehouse (HL2)»Weapon models»Counter-Strike: Global Offensive»Scar-20

Parabellum mod (no inspection animation)

Billy Coen - Wolf Force (RE0)

Billy Coen - Wolf Force (RE0)

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil 6»Models and Reskins

Порт модели Билли Коэна из Resident Evil 0 в костюме по мотивам аркады Mercs

Classic Claire ORC\/REV2

Classic Claire ORC/REV2

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil 5»Models and Reskins»Characters

Классический костюм Клэр Рэдфилд, микс из Operation Raccoon City и Revelations 2

Jessica FBC (RE Revelations)

Jessica FBC (RE Revelations)

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil 5»Models and Reskins»Characters

Порт модели Джессики Шероват времён паники на Серой Земле

Jill Corsair (Pirate) (RE Revelations)

Jill Corsair (Pirate) (RE Revelation...

Resident Evil Series»Resident Evil 5»Models and Reskins»Characters

Бонусное обличие Джилл Валентайн из первой Revelations на замену боевого обличия

    Counter-Strike Global OffensiveM4A1-S BLACK LOTUS
    A>> HK-PSG1 Ware [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    Resident Evil 4A>> HK-PSG1 Ware [Rifle Semi-Altomático]
    A>> Fighter Evil [Handcannon]
    Resident Evil 4A>> Fighter Evil [Handcannon]
    Myrmidon (Раздача в Steam)
    Myrmidon (Раздача в Steam)