Aim map with procedurally generated elements made in Inferno style with seed system support!
30,000,000 DIFFERENT LAYOUT !!!
Every round everything is generated. To start playing just go to the "START" area.
Available chat commands:
!h - Show all available commands
!s - Return to the settings room
!seed XXXXXXXXXXS - specify a custom seed (where 1234567890 is the seed number, and S is the layout type. "S" - symmetric, "H" - semi-symmetric, "C" - not symmetrical)
!noseed - disable custom seed
Standard settings:
"sv_disable_radar 1"
"mp_autokick 0"
"mp_limitteams 0"
"mp_warmup_pausetimer 1"
"bot_quota 2"
"mp_freezetime 0"
"mp_round_restart_delay 2"
"mp_maxrounds 250"
You can create "aim_rogue_inferno.cfg" in the CFG folder and specify your commands in it, which will be activated automatically on this card.