Stat ( goldsrc map sources ), pcs.
The new and improved battle scene of The Rock, includes more action than the already action packed original!
The Rock Version 2
The new and improved battle scene of The Rock, includes more action than the already action packed original!
Author/s of the map : Jagged Edge Views : 1072 ( +1 ) Downloads : 94 Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi Created : 01/24/2017 8:27:46 AM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
The new and improved battle scene of The Rock, includes more action than the already action packed original!
More cover
More allies
More enemies
Extra song
Similar 1. hl lowammo - 2. Justice SP v2 - Justice_-_SP 3. Sp_npsa - 4. the_bunker - 5. town_ex - 6. Allout_source_2 - It's not just freeman on combine, it's freeman on combine, on antlions, with rebels!
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