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Порт карты с CS 1.6 de_indust.

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Порт карты с CS 1.6 de_indust.

Author/s of the map : +~Smith~
Views : 1054 ( +1 )
Downloads : 24
Uploader : KekC
Created : 07/23/2015 6:00:19 PM
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Rating :
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Following translations are available : | russian |


Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from bombing nuclear weapon crates in russian industrial area. Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten targeted areas.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the nuclear weapon crates.

Similar1. de_village2013_bz - Xmas time...
2. de_brooktown - Bomb/Defuse
3. de_callie - Defuse or die, don't be that guy!
4. de_peronnes - ---
5. de_antidote - ---
6. de_grozniy - Порт карты с CS 1.6 de_grozniy_b1.
7. de_rechport - Порт карты с CS 1.6 de_rechport.
1. ( 73.5 Mb )
de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust de_indust
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