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Декомпилятор моделей goldsrc

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Декомпилятор моделей goldsrc

Author / s : FWGS
Requirements : [OS] : _multiplatform_
Views : 311 ( +1 )
Downloads : 25
Uploader : Cep}|{
Created : 01/08/2024 4:07:09 PM
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Tags : MDLDec, FWGS

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The main differences between my and Kratisto decompiler:

- non-Windows support.
- detection of $ texrendermode values available in StudioMDL from SDK Sven-coop and Paranoia 2: The Savior.
- detection of custom Activities from the external activities.txt file (it is possible to specify the path to this file through the MDLDEC_ACT_PATH environment variable)

There is also a small error in the output of values in + -0.000001 and the presence of negative zeros.

1. ( 53.9 Kb )
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