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Hammer++ is a free, extensive modification of Valve's Hammer editor for the Source engine...

  • Description


Hammer++ is a free, extensive modification of Valve's Hammer editor for the Source engine...

Author / s : ficool2 , Izotope , A Cat From Poland , SCell555 / Momentum Mod team , NvC_DmH_CH , Yrrzy , Pont , Tumby
Views : 9451 ( +2 )
Downloads : 1095
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 03/18/2021 1:25:55 PM
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Hammer++ is a free, extensive modification of Valve's Hammer editor for the Source engine, with the premise of being a more stable, up-to-date version, with many bugfixes and several improvements present in modern level editors.

Similar1. Ultimate Source SDK v3 by Psycho-A - Относительно свежая и обновляемая (что важно) сборка от SSDK от Psycho-A.
2. ModBases для Ultimate Source SDK - ModBases для Ultimate Source SDK v3 by Psycho-A
3. Batch Compiller 3.1.2 - Графическая оболочка для компиляторов Source и GoldSource.
1. ( 9 Mb )
2. ( 8.9 Mb )
3. ( 10.2 Mb )
4. ( 9.1 Mb )
5. ( 9.7 Mb )
6. ( 10.2 Mb )
Fal1e 07/25/2021, 7:39:12 AM commented :
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