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Рескин золотых Кольтов под первую версию правительственного M1911A1.

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Colt's Government M1911A1 (Default Colts Reskin)

Рескин золотых Кольтов под первую версию правительственного M1911A1.

Author/s of the model : TS Dev Team , Ettubrutesbro
Views : 449 ( +1 )
Downloads : 3
Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi
Created : 02/19/2017 11:04:02 AM
Rating :
 ( 0 ) 
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Tags : Weapon, Pistol, goldsrc, Golden Colts, reskin, replace, Retexture, Mod, modification, model, The Specialist 3.0, Half-Life, Default
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Colt's Government M1911A1 (Default Colts Reskin) Colt's Government M1911A1 (Default Colts Reskin) Colt's Government M1911A1 (Default Colts Reskin) Colt's Government M1911A1 (Default Colts Reskin) Colt's Government M1911A1 (Default Colts Reskin)
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