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NOBLE StrikeNOBLE Strike

is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating...

Modular CombatModular Combat

First Person Shooter...

Stat ( models ), pcs.

texture &model: zzzs570 animation: zzzs570 Many thanks to the sound effects provided by Pauliep83. it has MP5 slap and grenade actions

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MP5 SD2+M203(custom animation)

texture &model: zzzs570 animation: zzzs570 Many thanks to the sound effects provided by Pauliep83. it has MP5 slap and grenade actions

Views : 878 ( +1 )
Downloads : 133
Uploader : zzzs570
Created : 02/24/2020 6:20:21 AM
Rating :
 ( 4.5 ) 
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2. OICW (Half-Life 2 Beta) - AR2 или OICW из бета версии half-life 2, и также модель гранта в виде комбайна с этой же пушкой.
1. ( 1.1 Mb )
MP5 SD2+M203(custom animation)
Установка моделей для всякого разного - Часть 2: Модели оружия
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