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Модель Соника для Sven-Coop 5.0

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Модель Соника для Sven-Coop 5.0

Author/s of the model : BlackSonic
Views : 1509 ( +1 )
Downloads : 224
Uploader : Cep}|{
Created : 05/30/2016 5:44:20 PM
Source :
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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1. ( 1.1 Mb )
Установка моделей для всякого разного - Часть 1: Модель игрока
BlackSonic 01/23/2017, 6:24:20 AM commented :
This is the model that I recompiled from The Specialist Sonic model that I've found on a ftp site.
This was taken from MODDB right? Because textures remain exactly the same. Especially I've used soles of 2006 shoes.
Nice to see my little fella alive and adapted to new version of Sven-Coop. Thanks.
Xawor 01/23/2017, 10:18:20 AM commented :
This model was taken from a Sven-Coop forum, along with other Sonic models.
BlackSonic 01/24/2017, 1:44:46 PM commented :
Hmm... They must have taken it from my moddb file then.
Here is the origin. Thanks anyway.
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