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The Sam 04/30/2021, 4:30:28 PM commented :
Страшна, вырубай
Mr. Rebel 05/09/2021, 4:23:41 PM commented :
ElMetrocopHumilde13 02/20/2022, 4:48:04 PM commented :
ioioz 07/23/2022, 4:11:56 AM commented :
а где модели
Cep}|{ 08/10/2022, 11:29:25 AM commented :
Модели все на месте. Это модели для garry's mod. Если ты хочешь заменить стандартную модель Alyx, то нужно будет повозиться с моделью, не все так просто.
doiler 11/12/2022, 4:30:10 AM commented :
its 1GB because it includes very HD textures and clothes with tons of bodygroups
ZhuYB 06/16/2023, 1:37:36 AM commented :
I can't find her hair😢
Cep}|{ 06/16/2023, 3:28:57 PM commented :
ZhuYB : her hair is in the mdl file in this archive
Staryrics 07/22/2024, 10:26:20 PM commented :
How can i install the mod? I've been trying to install it but everytime i install it i cannot make alyx wear outfits
reaperxa100101 10/26/2024, 1:14:54 PM commented :
how do i put clothes on her?
respond pls
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