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Xmas Gorefast (with 1 arm and bitten head) and Xmas Gorefiend from Killing Floor 2 Krampus Christmas event.

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Gingerbread Mens

Xmas Gorefast (with 1 arm and bitten head) and Xmas Gorefiend from Killing Floor 2 Krampus Christmas event.

Author/s of the model : Kodua , Tripwire Interactive , RuFa804
Views : 1709 ( +2 )
Downloads : 77
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 12/26/2017 5:10:07 AM
Rating :
 ( 0 ) 
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Similar1. Tank - Model from Left 4 Dead
2. Slimer - Привидение из Охотники за привидениями, + руки
3. Bloat - These models were made as knife-only (e.g. zombie mod)
4. Grunt - Zombie Mod
5. Heavy zombie - CSO2 (+ zombie atms)
6. Light zombie - CSO2 (+ zombie atms)
7. Zombie man - + zombie atms
1. ( 21.9 Mb )
Gingerbread Mens Gingerbread Mens Gingerbread Mens Gingerbread Mens Gingerbread Mens
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